Transition Dates from Earlywood to Latewood and Early Phloem to Late Phloem in Norway Spruce

Gričar, J., Čufar, K., Eler, K., Gryc, V., Vavrčík, H., de Luis, M., Prislan, P. (2021) Transition Dates from Earlywood to Latewood and Early Phloem to Late Phloem in Norway Spruce. Forests, 12, 331.

Density Matters: The Spatial Balance between Early and Latewood

Royo-Navascues, M., Martinez del Castillo, E., Serrano-Notivoli, R., Tejedor, E., Novak, K., Longares, L.A., Saz, M.A., de Luis, M. (2021) Density Matters: The Spatial Balance between Early and Latewood. Forests 2021, 12, 818.

From rain to data: A review of the creation of monthly and daily station-based gridded precipitation datasets

SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., TEJEDOR, E. (2021) “From rain to data: A review of the creation of monthly and daily station-based gridded precipitation datasets”. WIREs Water, 8(6), e1555.

When Density Matters: The Spatial Balance between Early and Latewood

ROYO-NAVASCUES, M., MARTINEZ DEL CASTILLO, E., SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., TEJEDOR, E., NOVAK, K., LONGARES, L.A., SAZ, M.A., DE LUIS, M. (2021) “When Density Matters: The Spatial Balance between Early and Latewood”. Forests, 12, 818.

Characterisation of extreme precipitation events in the Pyrenees. From the local to the synoptic scale

LEMUS-CANOVAS, M., LOPEZ-BUSTINS, J.A., MARTÍN-VIDE, J., HALIFA-MARIN, A., INSUA-COSTA, D., MARTINEZ-ARTIGAS, J., TRAPERO, L., SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., CUADRAT, J.M. (2021) “Characterisation of extreme precipitation events in the Pyrenees. From the local to the synoptic scale”. Atmosphere, 12, 665.

Extreme precipitation trends in northeast Algeria using a high-resolution gridded daily dataset

BESSAKLIA, H., SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., GHENIM, A.N., CHICK, H.A., MEGNOUNIF, A. (2021) “Extreme precipitation trends in northeast Algeria using a high-resolution gridded daily dataset”. International Journal of Climatology. 41(15), 6573-6588.

Global hydroclimatic response to tropical volcanic eruptions over the last millennium

TEJEDOR, E., STEIGER, N., SMERDON, J., SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., VUILLE, M. (2021) “Global hydroclimatic response to tropical volcanic eruptions over the last millennium”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(12), e2019145118,

Global Temperature Responses to Large Tropical Volcanic Eruptions in Paleo Data Assimilation Products and Climate Model Simulations Over the Last Millennium

TEJEDOR, E., STEIGER, N., SMERDON, J., SERRANO-NOTIVOLI, R., VUILLE, M. (2021) “Global Temperature Responses to Large Tropical Volcanic Eruptions in Paleo Data Assimilation Products and Climate Model Simulations Over the Last Millennium”. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36(4), e2020PA004128,